Stefano Gustincich is the Head of the Laboratory of Neurogenomics, founded thanks to the Career Development Award from The Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation...
The Neurogenomics group coordinated by Gustincich studies the molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases. The genome and transcriptome of neurons...
In the Laboratory of Neurogenomics, scientists identified a new functional class of natural and synthetic long non-coding RNAs that has been called SINEUP since, by the function of a SINE sequence, these RNAs are able to UP-regulate translation of sense mRNAs...
Since its establishment in 1999 by Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Stefano Gustincich is a member of the FANTOM consortium. The FANTOM project is a joint international effort aiming at studing and characterizing the mammalian transcriptome, in order to “progress from an understanding of the ‘elements’ - the transcripts - to an understanding of the ‘system’ - the transcriptional regulatory network - governing an individual life form”. As member of the FANTOM consortium, Stefano Gustincich published different seminal research articles...