
Elena Agostoni

Elena Agostoni has a BS in Biology and a PhD in Molecular Biology. Her major skills are immunohistochemistry, cellular and molecular biology. She joined the Laboratory of Neurogenomics in 2005. Since then,  she has been working on the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on Huntington’s disease, and on the role of retrotransposition in neurodegeneration, maturing strong competences in retrotransposition mechanisms in human and mouse.

Raffaella Calligaris

Raffaella Calligaris has a BS in Biology and a PhD in Molecular Biology. She has always focused in transcription and translational regulation, with more than 20 years of experience. Since 2003 she is working in the Laboratory of Neurogenomics focusing on Parkinson’s disease. Her key interests are in genomics, blood transcriptomics, biomarker discovery, translational research and personalized medicine. She is part of the PARKScreen team that has won the Working Capital National Award (Italian national prize for Innovation in biotechnology) in the 2012.

Marta Codrich

Marta Codrich has a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, a Master's degree in Medical Biotechnology and a PhD in Functional and Structural Genomics. She has strong competences in the molecular biology of different neurodegenerative diseases: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Huntington disease (HD) and mostly Parkinson’s disease (PD). 

Sara Finaurini

Sara Finaurini has a Master's degree in Medicinal Chemistry  and a PhD in Genetics and Biomolecular Sciences. She is an experienced molecular and cellular biologist with expertise ranging from P. falciparum and malaria biology to human stem cells culture and differentiation, from molecular pharmacology and toxicology to  gene expression analysis. She joint the Laboratory of Neurogenomics in 2012.

Roberta Russo

Roberta Russo has a BS degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical Sciences (Biochemistry). She is an expert of hemoglobins' structure and functions, which she also studied in in vivo experiments on polar organisms in Antarctica. She joint the Laboratory of Neurogenomics in 2012 developing a strong expertise in manipulating RNA molecules for the development of new therapeutics.

Anna Testa

Anna Testa has a BS degree in Biology, a PhD in Genetics and a Master in Science Communication. She is both an experienced molecular and cellular biologist with over 15 years of experience and a science writer. She joined the Laboratory of Neurogenomics in 2012.

Paolo Vatta

Paolo Vatta has a degree in Biological Sciences and a Master of Science degree in Software Engineering. He is an experienced molecular biologist and software engineer with over 20 years of experience in both academic and industry settings. He joined the Laboratory of Neurogenomics in 2011.

Christina Vlachouli

Christina Vlachouli has a degree in Biology, an MSc in Biomedical Science and a PhD degree in Neurobiology. She is an experienced molecular biologist with particular expertise in Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM), microarray technology, real time PCR and stereotaxic surgery. Since 2011 she holds a postdoc position at the Laboratory of Neurogenomics. 

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